In Real Weddings/ Same Sex Weddings Stonebarn Real Weddings: Sam & Ethan Sam and Ethan married at Stonebarn on 26th October 2024. In this Q&A session Sam & Ethan share their Stonebarn wedding experience with us, along… Continue Reading →
In Real Weddings/ Same Sex Weddings Real Weddings: Melissa & Cassy Melissa and Cassy married at Stonebarn on Saturday 3rd April 2021. They chose Ben Yew to be their photographer and it is his beautiful… Continue Reading →
In Real Weddings/ Same Sex Weddings Real Weddings: Beki & Fabi Beki and Fabi married at Stonebarn on 16th January 2020. Their Stonebarn wedding story was recently featured in the sixth edition of Same Same… Continue Reading →
In Real Weddings/ Same Sex Weddings Real Weddings: Krystal & Catlin Krystal and Catlin married at Stonebarn on 18th March 2020. Their special day and the images in this real wedding story were captured by… Continue Reading →
In Same Sex Weddings When will we have our first same-sex wedding at Stonebarn? Stonebarn made it into the Manjimup-Bridgetown Times last week, where it was featured in the above article on same-sex weddings in the South West.… Continue Reading →